Post-Wedding Blues are Valid: Here are Tips on How to Deal with it

People often say that their wedding day—full of joy, happiness, and love—is one of the most important days of their lives. But when the party is over, some newlyweds may […]

How to Navigate the Conversation of Where to Live After the Wedding

Amidst the whirlwind of wedding preparations, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the big day. However, one crucial conversation that should not be overlooked is where […]

These Expert Suppliers Will Ensure That Your Wedding is Simply Spectacular!

Finding the right team for your wedding is super important—we all know that! Each supplier brings their own unique style, so it’s a good idea to do your homework, check […]

This Bride Wore a Chic All-White Suit in Her Intimate Bukidnon Wedding

Fahd and Joy’s intimate wedding was a testament to defying traditions and making their wedding all about “them”. Only 12 individuals, including their beloved pet dog Sushi and immediate family […]

The Look


Wedding Cake Alternatives for Non-Traditional Couples

Wedding traditions are getting a makeover, and one area where couples are really getting creative is with their cakes. Forget the old-fashioned towering tiers – more and more lovebirds are […]