The Duties and Responsibilities of the Maid of Honor

The role of Maid of Honor is given by the bride to someone from her closest circle of loved ones, someone she trusts with all her heart. The Maid of Honor could be either a sibling, a cousin, or the best friend. This role is significant because the bride counts on the Maid of Honor for help from wedding planning to emotional support.

So, if you’ve been given the privilege of being Maid of Honor, these tips are for you. Let’s breakdown what your duties are and what you’ll be expected to do before and during the wedding day. Keep reading and get ready to be the most reliable Maid of Honor ever.

The Duties and Responsibilities of the Maid of Honor

Accompany the Bride During Fittings
The bride will need your emotional support and honest (but kind) feedback during wedding dress shopping and fitting days. If she’s starting to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, be there for her. You’re one of the people who knows the bride very well. You’ll surely be able to help her find the dress of her dreams.

Go to Your Own Fittings
Be punctual and diligent when it comes to your own scheduled fittings or dress shopping day. You can always be open about what outfit you’re comfortable wearing, but just remember that the bride has a vision for her day. So, let her have this moment and wear the color she requests!

Gather the Entourage
You can think of yourself as someone who leads the entourage. You’re the bride’s right-hand person when it comes to delegating tasks and gathering the rest of the bridal party. Make sure you have each person’s contact details, and get your social skills ready because you’ll be introducing the members of the bridal party to one another! You can simply do this through a group chat.

Plan the Bridal Shower
This could be considered your main pre-wedding task. That’s why it’s important for you to have the bridal party’s contact details and be able to communicate with them. Pro tip: Ask the bride and the bridal party for their available dates and work from there. Don’t feel pressured to plan a party just because it looks cool on social media. It’s always best to plan a bridal shower that the bride would really love and enjoy.

Prepare a Toast or Wedding Speech
You’ll be expected to deliver a speech during the reception, so prepare as early as you can. If public speaking isn’t your thing, practice will help you a lot and make you feel calmer. Just remember that all the couple wants to hear is a genuine and heartfelt message from you. Reminisce special memories you have with the bride, crack a few jokes if you can, and wish them well. Luckily, we also have a guide to delivering wedding speeches you can check out!

Offer to Help During Wedding Planning
Though the bride may have trusted suppliers and a wedding planner, it’s still a good idea to offer your help. Go to site oculars if you have the time, assemble the invitations, help craft the escort cards, and other DIY projects. Simply assure the bride that you’re ready to help when needed.

Make Sure the Bride Eats
With all the excitement, and probably stress, the bride might forget to eat a full meal before the reception. So, be ready with snacks that are filling enough — protein bars, fruit, crackers, chips, and anything the bride can nibble on. Don’t forget water either. A bride needs to hydrate to look and feel energized.

Capture BTS Wedding Photos
Offer to be in-charge of the bride’s phone and take some behind the scenes photos. This way, the couple will have some memories to look at immediately after the wedding. Some of these moments might have passed them by, so they’ll surely appreciate seeing their wedding from your and the guests’ perspective.

Be the Bride's Assistant
Hold her bag, have a change of shoes ready, and assist her when going to the bathroom while she’s wearing her gown (not the most glamorous task, but the bride will appreciate it from the bottom of her heart!). You can also make sure her dress is always smooth for the photos, and no hair strand is out of place. Make sure she has a drink in hand during the reception, too! The bride will love you for being a great personal assistant on the day of the wedding.

Be Present and Enjoy the Moment
Most of all, enjoy and savor every moment from the planning up to the wedding day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for all of you. More than anything, the bride wants you to celebrate and have fun with them. After all the tasks have been ticked-off, relax, have fun, and make the best memories out of this day.

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