There is no doubt that real bridal beauty starts with great skin. But how exactly do you achieve that radiant glow every bride dreams about? Start a habit of treating your skin well, and it will definitely show. After all, all eyes will be on you, and you want to look back on your wedding photos and videos knowing that you put your best face forward, right? We asked one of our most trusted dermatologists, Dr. Kaycee Reyes of Luminisce for some tips to help you get started.
Wedding planning or the anticipation of the big day can keep you up all night, and the dark circles and eye bags will be proof of it. Try your best to get seven to eight hours of sleep. It will do wonders not only to your skin, but also for your disposition and energy levels. Try lighting a scented candle, doing aromatherapy, dimming your lights, or putting relaxing music on to help you get some shut eye. It will surely make you look and feel better on your wedding day.
Some people make the mistake of relying on referrals from friends about facials or procedures that worked for them without having their own skin assessed. The best way to know what skin regimen to practice is by setting an appointment with a trusted and reputable dermatologist who will guide you through the whole process. Know that there are very few procedures that will show instant results. You’ll need to schedule a few more to achieve glowing skin. Also, consider scheduling your facials or procedures with enough time for your skin to heal–it takes a day to two weeks, depending on what you had done. You wouldn’t want to look freshly pricked or all red and sore on your wedding day.
Smoking drastically cuts years away from your life, and it takes a toll on your appearance too. Having yellowish teeth and lackluster skin won’t go well with your overall bridal look, and no amount of makeup magic can cover it up.
Your skin needs to be healthy from the inside out for it to glow. Address your pressing skin concerns that can’t be covered up by makeup, like severe acne, oiliness, or skin conditions like eczema. Ask your dermatologist to pinpoint which products to use.
It’s so tempting to skip your skin care regimen after a long day at work. Just think that it will only take you a few minutes to cleanse, tone, and moisturize. If you have time to scroll through your Instagram and Facebook feed, then you can definitely set aside time for your regimen at home.
Bring out the bridal glow you’ve always dreamed of with the help of Luminisce. They have a vast collection of services and products that are all designed to bring out the best in you. From laser treatments to anti-aging, skin resurfacing, scar reductions, and even lifestyle programs, they promise to offer you the authenticity and experience that will help you achieve the optimum health and overall beauty that you want.
For inquiries and scheduling, send a text or Viber message to (0977) 804-4601 for the BGC branch, (0917) 168-4661 for the Podium branch, or call (02) 511-8500 for the BGC branch, and (02) 637-2398 for the Podium branch.