Like the pamamanhikan, the despedida de soltera is part of our culture’s pre-wedding traditions. But the difference between the two is that the despedida de soltera focuses on the bride-to-be. It translates to “farewell to the single life” or “farewell of the single woman.” If the pamamanhikan highlights how the groom officially asks for the bride’s hand in marriage, the despedida de soltera honors how the bride’s family gives their blessing.
Let’s talk more about what exactly is a despedida de soltera and what happens during this meaningful event. Read on!
The despedida de soltera is an event organized by the bride-to-be’s family either in their home, in a restaurant, or an events venue. Where the family hosts this gathering depends on the number of guests. As the meaning of despedida de soltera suggests, the star of this event is the bride and how she is about to enter married life. There aren’t any specific practices that are observed, but the program would usually include speeches and toasts from the bride’s family.
As I mentioned earlier, the despedida de soltera is where the bride’s family officially and symbolically gives her hand in marriage to the groom. It’s a sign of the family’s approval of the union which culminates when the father of the bride gives her away at the wedding ceremony. A bachelorette party, on the other hand, is usually arranged by the bride’s inner circle of friends or closest relatives. It’s not as formal nor symbolic as the send-off dinner with family, but simply a get-together to celebrate the bride’s last few weeks of single-hood.
This is a gathering of families from both sides including extended relatives. The immediate family members of the bride and groom would have already met during the pamamanhikan, so the despedida de soltera is also another chance for more of the family members to meet before the wedding. This can be an opportunity for the bride and groom to thank everyone who has contributed to the wedding as well.
The bride’s family would traditionally schedule the despedida de soltera closer to the wedding date, maybe even one to three weeks ahead. This would usually be the last pre-wedding event right before the big day itself to cap off all the planning and formalities.
These are some of the basic details about the despedida de soltera. You can definitely customize this gathering depending on what you and your family prefer. The meaning and symbolism of the tradition still remains. Do you have more questions about Filipino wedding traditions? Ask us or your fellow brides in the comments!