In 2013, one of the most devastating storms hit the Philippines–Haiyan or Yolanda. It affected thousands of families and destroyed towns and cities in the Visayas. The country was mourning.
We partnered with The Inspire Initiative group, and decided to work together in raising help from the Philippine wedding industry (which we were all part of). Honestly, it was one of the most moving things to see. Numerous wedding suppliers in their respective fields poured out their talent and resources to give generously. Thus, we were able to do three different projects under this campaign: The Inspire Initiative Shoot Marathon, The Inspire Initiative Sale and The Inspire Initiative Benefit BBQ, which I will be showing you today.
A family-style BBQ was a time for everyone to gather and be united with one heart and one desire–to bless others as we have been blessed, to be of help to our countrymen who suffered a painful loss, and to spend time with our fellow wedding suppliers as well.
There was an amazing team of vendors who made the BBQ happen–see our list at the end of the post. These people went over and beyond to give their talents and resources and we really can’t thank them enough. Those who attended contributed to the cause as well since ALL TICKET SALES WENT TO CHARITY. This post came a year late, we know, but it still serves as reminder to all of us that most areas hit by this storm are still on the hard road to recovery. Help can still go a long way today.
See more photos of those who participated here.