Just one more week ’til the day of hearts! Are you excited? We here at Bride and Breakfast are! Since celebrating love is something we love, we’ll be sharing with you some sweet Valentine’s Day traditions you and your partner should start doing (if you haven’t already). Wishing you all the best of love always!
Create a handwritten letter for each other every Valentine’s Day, until you are old and gray. As the years go by, you’ll enjoy looking back and reading all these love letters. You’ll thank yourselves in the future for doing this.
Prepare your date meal together and try a new dish every year. By doing this, you’ll also be able to skip the traffic rush, plus you get to spend quality time together!
Make a list of things you admire and appreciate about each other for the past year and collect it in a box every year. It doesn’t have to all be so serious, it can be the most random thing you love about your special someone! And just like the love letters, this is something you can look back at as the both of you grow older.
If you want to change things up, instead of putting your notes of appreciation in a box, scatter them around the house for your significant other to find. You can stick one on the mirror, the other in his/her shoe, or even under his/her mug of coffee. This sure will be a sweet surprise.
Movie nights are always fun. But make it more special by choosing your favorite romantic drama or rom-com movie to watch as a couple! Prepare to reminisce and enjoy all the sweet memories that come with it.
Give each other three wishes for that day. It could be something sweet and sappy, or funny and simple–it doesn’t matter! As long as it’s from the heart.
Download a How Well Do You Know Each Other: Couple’s Edition questionnaire online and test each other’s skills and memory. Make sure to change up the questions every year–or you can also choose to repeat a few of the questions to see if your partner still remembers! To make things more exciting, invite your other couple friends to join in.
Have a Valentine’s cause every year. Love isn’t just for couples! Do something to give back to others on this special day. Spread the love to those around you.
Sit down with your partner and think about the things you want to do, or activities you want to try out for the year. Plot and schedule these, so that the “I’m busy” line won’t be an excuse. wink This is a fun way to rekindle the romance!
We love taking photos, selfies, groupies day to day, but we often forget to take photos on the special days like Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re staying in and enjoying a home-cooked meal you made together, or having a fancy date night out, remember to take a snap for memories, and compile it in a “Valentine’s Throughout the Years” album.